In memory of Clive Billenness
Clive was one of the good guys who used his position to advance the cause of victims and survivors of church-based abuse.
Clive was one of the good guys who used his position to advance the cause of victims and survivors of church-based abuse.
If Synod does the right thing next week, victims, survivors, advocates and campaigners won’t have to continue being “shouty campaigners”.
Do the right thing, Archbishop Pinocchio, and close the door on your way out. You can take your porky pie with you.
The Church of England might wobble if it loses two archbishops; but it will have a bigger wobble if you try to stay and continue to do harm.
Synod members: Be bold. Stand up and say “NO MORE”. Don’t be complicit in the ongoing re-abuse of victims and survivors.
The opportunity remains: Archbishop Cottrell, will you act on your words and promise of accountability or not?
Marsha de Cordova is happy to speak off script. She won’t accept everything she’s told. She’ll be a challenge, as well as a mouthpiece.
Safeguarding will run through the February meeting of the General Synod like the word “Blackpool” runs through a stick of seaside rock.
If your commitment to becoming an accountable church is more than “fine words”, you should have no problem answering my questions.
The Archbishop of York can choose to ignore me and others; but if the Church had listened. perhaps Justin Welby wouldn’t be standing down.